Saturday, November 25, 2006

Long time no update

Wow, almost a month without posting, hehe, FFXII is too addictive (I am just trying to be nice to my good friend Edmund and not tease him with my progress on the game ;)

Other than that, none much exciting stuff happen in life. Work is going pretty smoothly lately, actually getting a chance to write some code (finally!) and it's a lot of fun (yeah, call me a geek); this is sort of the work I've always imagined doing coming out of university :) And the best part is, the work is manageable within regular work hours. At the end of the day, I really do feel I have accomplished something and I can go home and not think about work until the next day. In my previous role, I always struggled with the feeling of not getting any work done during the day, and so I resorted to putting in extra hours after work and on weekends.

Anyways, I wasn't intending to talk about work when I started this post, but I guess I don't have much to say about the past month other than work and FFXII (which I am not supposed to talk about :)

And booo, I forgot to mention about the coconut.


可可 said...

Booo and you mention nothing about me :(

Edmlee said...

Ha ha... were you supposed to mention something about the coconut? Wuz new with her? lols

Dang, I must admit - you are nice so far in not further tempting me about ffxii... just so far... ;)

Andrew said...

Edmund, you are lucky that the game is so addictive ;)