Sunday, August 19, 2007

Center Island

I'm dead tired after today's (18th) Center Island outing, but what a great day for some outdoor fun! It was a bit on the cool side in fact, and we decided to leave the water guns behind which is why everyone looks dry in the pics (hey look, Mun's bag is at the center of both pics).

We got there at around 4 and had several hours to enjoy the weather and do some rollerblading. Yes, I finally got myself a pair (pic below). First time rollerblading, I think I didn't do too bad, just a bit (OK more than a bit) on the stiff side. Hopefully that will change with more practice.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Rice Lake Fishing

It was a great day for fishing yesterday, it was bit too sunny and we all got a little sun burnt tho. Still, it was quite a relaxing day. Too bad we didn't get any big fish; I got 12 really small sunfish and perch, no bass :( All fishes were returned to their homes in the lake :)

The really funny thing that happened is our ~$30/person fishing trip turned into a $66/person fishing trip. That's because our boat ran into some rocky waters and we actually broke a pieced of the rudder off! We didn't know at the time of course, all we heard were 2 big thumps and we looked at the propeller and that looked fine. Oh well, things happen that you cannot foresee. Even though it became an expensive fishing trip, we all had fun so that's all that matters in the end.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Congratulations to My Dear Friends, Billy & Eli

It was a long day today, but it was worth every minute. Today (Aug 4th) is the big day for my dear friends Billy and Eli. Their story is a sweet fairy tale that started from high school through to University, leading up to this wonderful moment and continues forward into the next chapter of their lives together. Words cannot describe how happy I am for them. Billy, Eli, thank you for letting me share in the joy of this special occasion.

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !


P.S. This is such an interesting picture Mun took that I just had to post it. I never seen our Miss Coconut look so "inch"! Hey, is that a middle finger??