Thursday, February 08, 2007

I think...

I think I had a revelation today. Actually, let me rephrase that: I had a revelation today. My revelation is that I prefix my speech with "I think" more often than I should. For example, I would say things like "I think the show starts at 9 o'clock", or "I think it will be freezing tomorrow". And it's not just me, many people have tendencies to speak that way. Why is that? When a person is saying something, isn't it obvious that he or she is saying what they are thinking? In that context, the "I think" becomes redundant.

But of course, most people (including myself) use "I think" in a totally different context. We use it interchangeably with the phrase "I guess" when we are unsure of something, or when there is a chance that what we say is wrong; and by prefixing the sentence with "I think" or "I guess", it's as if we are leaving a backdoor for ourselves to get out of trouble when things go wrong.

When unsure of something, the use of "I think" is understandable. The problem is when we get so used to using it that we habitually say "I think" even for things that we are absolutely sure of. When 8 out of 10 sentences we say begins with "I think" or "I guess", how can someone tell whether you know what you are talking about?

In the workplace, not only do you have to know how to do the job, you also have to assert that you can do the job right. I am working on the latter part and starting from today, I will consciously use less "I think" and "I guess" when I talk.


Edmlee said...

It all depends on the audience...

For people that you are interacting with and asking them to do things, you have to be strong and confirmative. If one is unsure, it is difficult to have people execute according to him/her. However, this is also difficult sometimes, since there are times that maybe one doesn't believe in the cause and tells others of the same in a confirmative tone - a gd managerial person is pretty hard to do.

Going back to the thread; if we are sharing ideas and meeting with more senior or people who you respect and may have better experience; the 'I think' is ok... I guess.

Angela said...

I think you're on to something there! ;)