Sunday, May 03, 2009

Strike Freedom Construction - Day 21

FINISHED! Yes, finally. I decided not to keep my readers waiting for another couple months (all zero of you...) So here is the completed product. Seriously, this took longer to blog about than to actually build it. Well whatever. It's done :) I suppose I should take a few more action pose, but you may have to wait another couple months for them.

So the kit's been sitting in my cabinet for a almost half a year I guess. I've no new project to work on. But speaking of which, I just finished watched Gundam 00 and I quite liked the Exia design -- not at first, but it has grown on me especially since the 00-shoulder-pads-with-spatulas-gundam doesn't looks so hot. If they come out with an MG Exia (or I should say *when* they do, it's only a matter of time before they start milking that cash cow), I might make that my next project.


可可 said...

Ooooo. Very nice!!!

"took longer to blog about than to actually build it..." Geez. You write slow. :P

Andrew said...

*gasp* someone's actually still reading this... o_O ?!

可可 said...

I am reading this! And I read this more than 1 time per day too!

sp said...

I read too.

Andrew said...

Thanks to my #1 and #2 fans T_T