Sunday, August 13, 2006

Web Site Updates

I have been working on a couple of new sections on my home page. First is the photo album section. Rather than writing my own photo album though, I am just rendering the interface off of ImageStation's RSS feed (and this way, I don't have to take up my limited space on geocities). This mini-project was also my chance to experiment with some AJAX programming techniques. Although, in the end, I can't really claim credit for writing any AJAX specific code because I came across a handy little package called Sarissa.

Originally I thought it would be fun to write some js library functions to wrapper around the calls to the XMLHttpRequest object and handle doing XSLT as well. But as usual, anything I think of doing has already been done, I am serveral years too late in fact T_T. Sarissa is such a project, it provides a nice interface for doing AJAX programming. It was quite easy to use, although it's not without its share of bugs and quirks. But it's definitely better than me fudging around with browser specific instantiations and handling of XMLHttpRequest objects.

So now that the photo album is working, I put it to use for the second section I was working on, which is a section on my cats (those who know me shouldn't be surprised right? ;) The cats section can be found here. There are 3 albums so far =)

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