Sunday, October 15, 2006

Battlestar Galactica Impressions

I've recently started watching the re-imaged Battlestar Galactica series (sorry bud, couldn't wait for ya). I started watching this series because I was told that this series is similar to Babylon 5, which is a sci-fi series that I liked. After watching the first season, I would say the similarities are only superficial.

That's not to say BSG is bad though. They are just different. There are sci-fi shows, and there are dramas in space; B5 is sci-fi, and BSG is the latter. What I liked from B5 is the interactions of the different alien races and the idea of the younger races (such as humans) getting caught in the epic battle between the ancient and mysterious Vorlons and Shadows.

In contrast, there are no aliens or epic battles in BSG. There are battle scenes with the Cylons but it is not the main focus of the series. At the core, BSG is a story about survival of the human race, and I've always been fascinated with these end-of-the-world type settings. It shows the extremes of human behaviour and makes the viewers think what they'll do in the same extreme circumstances.

I'm looking forward to watching season 2.


Edmlee said...

Damn, u didn't wait for me :p, but it's ok, BSG isn't something that really made me interested other than the hot cylon... ha ha.

So you like the end-of-world scenarios? i dun like it too much as it seems a bit pointless knowing whatever you do doesn't matter anymore (like that the day after tomorrow). I like stuff like B5 where you carry your own decisions and can go as far as you want.

Andrew said...

Well, my post doesn't do BSG the justice it deserves. It's really a good show and really draws you in so you can't wait to watch the next ep. And it's good that it's not a clone of B5, it just wouldn't feel right.