Saturday, January 13, 2007


Two weeks ago, I set out on this (rather foolish) quest to get the best weapon in Final Fantasy XII (henceforth refer to as "that damn spear"). For those who don't know, that damn spear is suppose be in a treasure chest in a certain part of the game, and it has a *1/1000* chance of appearing. 1395 attempts and many, many... many painstaking hours later, that damn spear is finally in my hands. Finally seeing that damn spear appear after 1394 failed attempts was definitely a sweet moment and as you can see I even took a picture of it:

And Keith sir, I have to thank you, I think your luck rubbed off on me when you wished me good luck today on MSN... haha =)


Keith said...

Ha ha ha....congratulations! I wonder if I can get it in less tries than you.

Now what's left to obtain in FF12?

Andrew said...

My list of TODOs:
1. Chaos
2. Ultima
3. Zodiark
4. Yiazmat
5. Omega
6. Finish the game

Still plenty to do.

可可 said...

Holy smoke, taking notes for a video game...

Edmlee said...

hey, remember to save the notes eh?