Sunday, April 22, 2007

At a glance

Haven't written here for a while. Nothing really to write about, or maybe I'm lazy and lacking motivation, yeah, that's it. But I thought I just do a quick post to list some stuff that has happened since the last entry:

- Finished FFXII (I hope I get around to writing a review for this)
- I bought an NDS :)
- Considering getting a car... Went with Eddy to some car dealership yesterday. CSX looks nice (I'm biased). I'm clueless when it comes to details of pricing/financing options and other junk like that. I wish I can shop online and have the car mailed to me. Need to do some research.
- Went to a wonderful house warming party hosted by Ka & Corrie yesterday. Thanks for the great food, and I am happy to say, no stomach problems.
- I'm in the process of applying for part time graduate studies, starting next Jan, hopefully...
- CN tower climb is one week away!

1 comment:

可可 said...

Yay yay yay! Pig at a glance! [You gotta let us know the time you use to climb up.]