Thursday, March 06, 2008

Long time no update

*sigh* has it really been that long since I last updated? I'm really too lazy, this is turning into a quarterly column...

I'll just quickly update on what's been happening in the last few months...
  1. Lots of snow! And some (4-5) ski trips :) Making good use of the equipment I got last October.

  2. School's started. Yes, I am finally going for that next degree. Hope I can manage class (1 half day a week) and work at the same time.

  3. Cram, cram, cram... SCBCD certification this Saturday. Why the heck did I ever sign up for this? This is torture.

  4. My new toy...

Now if only that free 8GB mem card would arrive in the mail sooner...


可可 said...

Good luck with your SCBCD certification!!

Edmlee said...

I'm back Jacko!