Saturday, September 06, 2008

Strike Freedom Construction - Day 6

Day 6, didn't work on the body of the Gundam today. Instead, I assembled the two beam rifles. For this part, I actually did use some paint because was not molded in colour and some foil stickers were provided to put on instead. Can you tell which part is painted?

I only used those foil stickers for my first couple of kits back when I didn't know how to paint or sand. Those foil stickers would always start peeling off sooner or later and they don't look that great (makes the kit look cheap). Hence, I decided to never use them again. In fact, for those kits where I had used stickers, I eventually discarded all the stickers and give them a proper coat of paint.

On the other hand, the MG kits usually come with some dry transfer decals that I've always wanted to try out. I didn't attempt it before because I was afraid it wouldn't apply on my shoddy paint job very well. But since I'm not using paint on this kit, I think it's the perfect chance to give these dry transfer decals a try.

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